CodeFest CTF 2017 - Russia Writeup
bySeptember 23, 2017
Private Keys
Reading the source file we understand that the private_key
and the public_key
are one of the prime numbers generated by valid_primes_sieve()
. They are also greater than (d+1)*max_input = 11 * 255
We can compute the list of all the valid private keys.
candidates = [prime for prime in valid_primes_sieve().values() if prime > (d+1)*max_input]
print(len(candidates)) # prints 30
Because private_key
and public_key
are different, we only need to try 29.
First Step: modular arithmetics
The first step of the encryption algorithm is to compute (priv_key*(d+1)*x)%(pub_key)
for each x
in the input.
In order to reverse this step[1] we need the modular multiplicative inverse mmi of priv_key*(d+1)
modulo pub_key
We compute an inverse key for each candidate private_key
inverse_keys = [mmi(candidate*(d+1), public_key) for candidate in candidates if candidate != public_key]
Second Step: random salt
In the second step a random integer in [1, 3] is added to each value of the cypher text. Since the cypher text is 11 values long, there are only 311 = 177147 possible combinations, few enough to try them all.
for s0 in range(1, 4):
for s1 in range(1, 4):
for s10 in range(1, 4):
reverse([s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10])
Where reverse is
def reverse(salt):
for inverse_key in inverse_keys:
plain_text = [((inverse_key * (ciphter_text[i] - salt[i])) % public_key) for i in range(len(cipher_text))]
respects_limits = True
for value in plain_text:
respects_limits = respects_limits and (value < 256 and value >= 2)
if respects_limits:
print(mmi(inverse_key, pk)/11)
- vk = private_key
- ik = inverse_key
- pk = public_key
Given that
(vk*(d+1) * ik) % pk = 1
for definition of mmi(vk*(d+1)*x) * ik % pk = (vk*(d+1)*ik) * x % pk
for commutativity of the multiplication
It follows that ((vk*(d+1)*x) * ik) % pk = 1 * x % pk = x % pk