SharifCTF 8 - Fifteen puzzle

by dp1
February 4, 2018

You are given 128 puzzles (
The ith puzzle determines the ith bit of the flag:
1 if the puzzle is soluble
0 if the puzzle is unsoluble
Implement is_soluble() below, and use the code to get the flag!

This was an easy task, as all that was required was determining if a given 15-puzzle was solvable. After some thirty seconds of googling, I had the algorithm, as described here. All we have to do is calculate the inversion count of the numbers and we’re basically done. Here is the code I used, with the naive O(N^2) algorithm for the inversion count:

data = """

def invcount(data):
    res = 0
    for i in range(len(data)):
        for j in range(i):
            if data[j] > data[i]:
                res += 1
    return res

out = ''

for i in range(128):
    mat = []
    row = -1 # empty cell's row
    for j in range(4):
        while not data[0].strip().startswith('|'):
            data = data[1:]
        line = data[0].split('|')[1:-1]
        if '  ' in line:
            row = j
        mat += [int(x, 10) for x in line if len(x.strip()) > 0]
        data = data[1:]
    if (row + invcount(mat)) % 2 == 0:
        out = '1' + out
        out = '0' + out

print('SharifCTF{%016x}' % int(out, 2))