Xiomara 2018 - Slammer

by chq-matteo
February 26, 2018

We are given a binary that takes a password as input, sleeps for a couple of seconds and the tells us wether the password is right or wrong.

Since I didn’t feel like reversing this jumpy mess, I decided to solve this challenge using the number of memory accesses as an oracle.

I can’t remember/find where I saw this technique first, if you have any resources you can leave them in the comments.

I figured out that this binary was just some kind of “fancy” strcmp, so it probably terminated the execution as soon as it found a non matching character.

First of all overwrite the nanosleep syscall with nops to speed up the bruteforce.

Then use the pinatrace pintool to count memory reads and writes.

Try each letter, digit and probable symbols keeping the one that leads to most memory operations.

Run this script from source/tools/SimpleExamples/obj-intel64

import string
import subprocess as sp
flag = ''
alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '{} _='

for i in range(100):
	cur = 0
	ans = ''
	for j in alphabet:
		# print(j)
		cnt = int(sp.check_output(['sh', '-c', "echo '{}' | '/home/ubuntu/Desktop/pin-3.5-97503-gac534ca30-gcc-linux/pin' -t pinatrace.so -o /proc/self/fd/1 -- ~/Desktop/slammer | wc -l".format(flag + j)]))
		# print(j, cnt)
		if cnt > cur:
			cur = cnt
			ans = j
	flag += ans

This is the count for the first byte

('a', 6)
('b', 6)
('c', 6)
('d', 6)
('e', 6)
('f', 6)
('g', 6)
('h', 6)
('i', 6)
('j', 6)
('k', 6)
('l', 6)
('m', 6)
('n', 6)
('o', 6)
('p', 6)
('q', 6)
('r', 6)
('s', 6)
('t', 6)
('u', 6)
('v', 6)
('w', 6)
('x', 6516)
('y', 6)
('z', 6)
('A', 6)
('B', 6)
('C', 6)
('D', 6)
('E', 6)
('F', 6)
('G', 6)
('H', 6)
('I', 6)
('J', 6)
('K', 6)
('L', 6)
('M', 6)
('N', 6)
('O', 6)
('P', 6)
('Q', 6)
('R', 6)
('S', 6)
('T', 6)
('U', 6)
('V', 6)
('W', 6)
('X', 6)
('Y', 6)
('Z', 6)
('0', 6)
('1', 6)
('2', 6)
('3', 6)
('4', 6)
('5', 6)
('6', 6)
('7', 6)
('8', 6)
('9', 6)
('{', 6)
('}', 6)
(' ', 6)
('_', 6)
('=', 6)